
2017 IP Survey

A selection of images from the IP Geophysical Survey completed in 2017 are available here.


Max & Knoll Targets 464 line kilometre Heli-MAG Airborne Survey

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Total magnetic intensity (TMI) plot. Red colours magnetic highs, blues colours MAG-lows.

The circular red high magnetic features and the intense blue low magnetic response in the centre of the image depicts the Max granodiorite stock and intense hydrothermal alteration related to volcanic events in Skeena Group rocks at the Max target.

Max Target Example of Cross Section VTEM Flight Line 1131 Resistivity Map

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Red indicates low resistivity, interpreted as a stratabound sulphide response.

This line is close to the 19 sulphide showings on the Max hill and indicates that the low resisitivity may be bedded VMS style sulphides stratabound in Skeena Group rocks at 75 m depth.